Monday, June 25, 2012

Become a Lean Machine with June’s Rising Partner!

Since YouTube announced that we are giving more creators the opportunity to become partners, we have seen a flurry of creativity. We’ve asked some of our new partners to share their experiences of using our platform and resources to grow their audience, increase views and take their channel to new heights!

This month, we look at John & Leon, two creative personal trainers from Norwich, England who really have fun with fitness. Their channel,
TheLeanMachines, is all about getting you in shape, while putting a smile on your face.

“We wanted to do something we love & that is changing peoples lives for the better.”

It all started with a creative concept for each video, which they used to create their series of fitness videos. They then took their videos to the next level, using selected tools from our set of partner resources to optimize them for viewing.

First, they always make sure to regularly upload new videos, so you know you can enjoy a regular dose of health motivation and humor courtesy of them. With all of their videos in one handy Playlist, you can also watch all their fitness videos in the correct order, in order to maximize your workout. And to make sure you never miss a session, they use Annotations to let you get more information while you watch, and to subscribe to their channel.

They encourage you to give feedback on videos, suggest new ideas, and interact with other viewers as well. With nearly 12,000 subscribers and tens of thousands of views, they have really created a fitness community, dedicated to helping users achieve their fitness goals.

When we spoke to
TheLeanMachines about their YouTube partner experience, they shared some handy tips. First, they say you shouldn’t be worried about making videos if you think there are other videos out there which are devoted to the area you are interested in - just create videos you enjoy making, and put your own spin on it!  

“There are so many fitness channels out there, but what we want to do is be more approachable and a bit more informal - like you are talking to a friend. we wanted everyone else to see you can get your results while having fun and a laugh!”

They also recommend having a unique focus for each video, so you can create a series of videos which complement each other, and give your channel an inviting and professional feel.

“Each of our videos is normally aimed at a certain issue, like fat burning, so we give you a workout we ourselves would use and know that works. We like to have fun, but we will make sure we smash your fitness goals while laughing on the way!”

To become a YouTube Partner now, visit:, and get ready to take your channel to the next step! For more information on optimizing, visit:

The YouTube Team


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