Monday, July 23, 2012

Go Simply ‘Bonkers’ With July’s Rising Partner!

Since YouTube’s announcement that we are giving more creators the opportunity to become partners, we have seen a flurry of creativity. We’ve asked some of our new partners to share their experiences with us, in using our platform and resources to grow their audience, increase views and take their channel to new heights!

This month, we are looking at Seán Burke, a 20 years old Dubliner who has a unique talent, on which he bases his videos - impressions! His channel, TheBonkers101, is made up of videos showcasing his talent in mimicking voices of famous TV & movie characters. It’s attracted thousands of fans to his page - and has paved his way for an exciting career in media.

“YouTube has literally changed my life and sent me down a new career path with amazing opportunities.”

Since uploading his first video in late 2011, Seán has begun working with a national radio station and a national TV station. He is a prime example of how anyone with a talent and a video-camera can take their creativity  - and career - to new heights.

Seán keeps his videos short & sweet, and makes sure he uploads them regularly to both keep his fans happy, and to explore new comic ideas. His channel has now grown to include vlogs, where he discusses different topics every week, to provide users with an even wider range of variety.

The YouTube community has proven to be at the core of Seán’s motivation and inspiration. With the belief that he had something to offer YouTube, and with the support of fellow YouTuber partners and friends, Seán overcome being shy, and worked up the courage to put his talent out there.

“I would encourage the YouTube audience to get involved! My eyes have been opened to the potential for new opportunities and great experiences that can come from uploading YouTube videos.”

Seán also suggests making sure your channel offers unique content, one which isn’t available anywhere else on youTube.
“People appreciate quality and entertaining videos and YouTube provides the platform for it. It would be a shame to waste it”, he says.

Seán, aka TheBonkers101, intends to keep uploading videos in the future and begin working his impressions into sketches, and collaborations. He promises that impressions are just the beginning and that he has much more to offer in the future!

“I always took great joy out of entertaining people. Once I got immersed in the YouTube community I loved every second of it. Just go for it! Either on your own or with a group of friends I say create some videos and give it a shot!”

To become a YouTube Partner now, visit:, and get ready to take your channel to the next step! For more information on optimising, visit:

The YouTube Partnerships Team


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