We have loads of partners across Europe that are taking advantage of the YouTube Partner Program, and becoming highly successful on YouTube. We've asked some of these partners to share their experience on YouTube and within the program, and shed light on how to best utilize the platform. This month featured partner is Recetasdecocina, please read on for their story and best practices!

Please tell us a bit about yourself. What is your name, your channel name? Where are you from, your fan base?

We are the channel recetasdecocina. Maria is the cook of the channel and myself, Luis, I am mostly making other types of videos such as drawings, home experiments, videos of our dog etc. We are Spanish and more specifically we come from Madrid. The majority of our subscribers are from Spain, Mexico and Argentina.

Please tell us how it all started. How and when did you start creating videos? When did you decide to be active on YouTube and become a partner? What was your first video on YouTube?

We started with recipes including low-temperature programmed cooking and we thought that was a great idea as there are not many such videos on the internet. Slowly we started enhancing our variety by adding recipes of tarts, pizzas, breads etc. And the videos were gaining more and more views. That’s why we applied to become partners and very soon we achieved the partnership.
Our first video was a recipe of spicy chicken in low-temperature electric cooker. We took great care of our first recipe but unfortunately it didn’t get many views.

Please explain your channel. What's the story behind your channel? How did you come up with your channel concept?

Basically it’s a channel of recipes but it has our own personal touch. One could say that it’s a family channel as it includes videos of home experiments and drawings among other things and it addresses not only to adults who want to cook but also to younger people who are interested in drawing and home experiments and animals.
Each time we are more confident with our audience and we share personal stories, like certain trips we plan to do or visits if we consider that they present a certain interest.

YouTube Partnership:
Please share your experience of being a YouTube partner. How has being a YouTube partner helped/changed your business and personal life? Were there any surprises? What are your plans for the future of your channel and YouTube partnership?

To be a YouTube Partner it’s a dream that came true. It has changed our life completely as now we can focus exclusively on creating videos and doing what we like most.

Our plan is to get more and more involved with our subscribers and follow up by creating more and better videos and collaborate with other partners.

How do you define success? How did you become successful on YouTube? What were your goals for your channel, and how did you achieve them? What would you recommend to newbie partners to be successful on YouTube?

We perceive success as being able to do what you like most and being able to make a living out of it. Our goals for the channel are to create more videos on all recipes, improve the quality of the videos and keep our subscribers satisfied. We recommend to the new partners to enjoy what they are doing, to always be themselves and never stop creating more videos. The most important thing is to never give up.

Creative inspiration:
Please tell us what inspires you. Do you have a particular creative aesthetic? Are there other YouTube channels you watch, creators you admire?

Our videos are not aesthetically spectacular but we try to make them easy, short and direct. We watch every type of channel of every different topic. Personally, I really like Jpelirrojo to whom I have subscribed. He is a Vlogger and his topics are really different to ours. However he has inspired me to appear in person in our videos.

Key Takeaways:
Anything you want the YouTube audience to know about you, your channel, or being a YouTube Partner?

Nothing special. I just want to encourage the YouTube users to have a look at our channel and see our different playlists which include many different topics in which they might be interested even if they don’t like cooking.

Recetasdecocinas, YouTube Partner, recently watched "Timelapse de paisaje urbano de Madrid HD - Ecobulevar"