A few months ago we launched a new program called CreatorXCreator (CXC) to encourage collaboration across YouTube and drive subscribers.

CXC is an 8 week collaboration during which 9 YouTube Partners cross-promote their content and create videos together.  There is a program mentor leading the project and the creators meet via Google Hangouts to share their ideas and plan their collaboration.

CXC was rolled out for the first time in Germany this past July.  LeFloid was the mentor leading the program for 8 Mentees (list available below). Here's one of their collaboration videos including 8 different YouTubers: “Unknown Mercenary: Geschichten eines tödlichen Freaks”

The second German edition of CreatorXCreator started in November with 2 separate programs. SceneTakeTV and SpaceFrogsEnt are the Mentors leading these projects (they were Mentees of the previous program). You can view updates about their CXC work on their channels.

We would like to expand our collaboration programmes in other countries in Europe. If you are a YouTube Partner based in Europe and would like to participate in this program, please fill out this form.

8 Mentees list:
doktorallwissend maximnoise douniaslimani darkvikt0ry moviemaniacsde infitnesstv spacefrogsent scenetaketv

Joe McDermottroe, EMEA YouTube Next Creator Programmes Specialist, recently watched “Episode one - Photography, Lightroom and Photoshop tips by Serge Ramelli weekly podcast